Not In The Mood

Hye guys ,

Really hate to say this but I'm really not in a good mood right now...There are many things that happenend and a lot of pressure that I have to 'absorb' ! Just imagine that I have to submit bout 4 assignment today.. Really gilaaa . Apalagi , kelam-kelibut la jadinya . Assignment , tutor , workshop n so on la...when I submitted all the works today, fuuhhh . Lega gilagila . But I have 3 more to go . Go Hanna Go ! You can do it ! Ingat mama n daddy ! Yahh....buat petang tdi sampai malam . About to finish laa... Esok wanna go outing with my friends . It sort of activitiy to release tension la org ktakan . haha . Tapi tak ramai pun yg pegi . Sebabnye many classmates went back home. Ouhh, so jelous . And tomorrow may be a sad day too . I guess . For what ? Let it be a secret right now. If there is a time, I will tell soon . Haha . 

Kyaa....okeyy laa...mataku sudah sepet. Dah bagi signal . Need to go . See ya soon . Gudnite .

Bubbye. (hj) <3 <3