About You - # Martina #

Oitt2..lama gila duh tk buka blog..tgah2 dk on9 fb tetiba plak tringat kt my sayang..-.-' jgn fikir bukan2 nohh ceq2 kt luar...my sayang is my lovely blog laa..ap dah ea yg jadi kt blog ak..entah2 tk dak sapa nak follow dah..haha..ak pn buka la blog jap..fuhh..masih hidup lagi..ingat tknak update..tpi rasa mcm ada yg tak siap.. 0.0 patut la..ak punya series untuk 'About You' tuu tak siap lagi...perghh..cpat2 ak update...ramai lagi kot..

Okey2...without wasting any times..lets begin with my cotcet about this girl...umm...SISTER ! haha... me and ifa always call her 'big sister'...yeahh..who else..our senior Kak Martina Bt Munawer ! haha...so weird to call her kakak bcoz we used to call her Tina..even she older than us...She has a baby face..seriusly..err...meaning dya cute cket la...okey2..tina..jgn prasan bnyak2.. XD First I saw her time orientasi, she looks like chinese wearing baju kurung..then when she introduced herself..TEET ! Totally wrong..she's a malay..

A happy n jovial person..whoaa..I like when she doing some weird stuff..look so funny..so happening la you tina..She is kind..give some sweets to me n ifa n also others...umm...what else ha ? YAA ! I almost forgot..Hari tuu time presentation bi group kugan..dyaorg ad la mainkan 1 video nie..quite funny and creative..tina is in the video..we were laughing at her when she said 'ummm...aaaaa....ummmm...aaaaa...' for a long time...with her chubby face...she looks cute..from that incidence, ifa call her 'lalat'...and and.....she looks very cute and ayu when she wearing tudung time nak masuk klas agama...seriusly tina.. :)

I managed to capture some pictures of her in lab...haha :D


Soryy guys for a very3 late update...need to focus more on my studies..dont wory..I will finish this up as fast as possible..I will try my best..insyaallah,, have a nice day out there guys..

Kbye..Salam. (hj) <3 <3
