Happy Time :)

Hello..hello..last saturday my family and I were having so much fun together..sorry for late posting..:P oke..let me tell you bout that day a little bit..we went jusco about 3 something..not so sure...having lunch at MCD...ohh ! Forgot to tell..there are also a little girl yg sibukk nak ikut..HAHA....but its okeyy...dya makan bubur MCD byak kot...Maybe she was so hungry...yeahh...after that kami shoppin2 cket...bought a few things...not necessary for me to tell what were we buying okeyy..kui3...perbetulkan jam tangan B***a ak..haha..look around and just have fun...I managed to snap some pictures of alyssa behaviour along we were there...take a look...she was so funny...setiap org dya wt flying kiss....lovely gurl...:D

Super duper active little girl...I was so tired kejar dya...ta reti2 penat budax nie..huhu...hope you guys enjoy watching this pitcha..sorryy ya..some pictures ad yg blur...huhu..after all of this kami balik..mlm dh laa msa tuu...oke...thats it...nk tido...bbyee..(hj) <3 <3