Praktikum :)

Hey there !

Okeyy..want to update for a while. But just only a short post okeyy . Tonight I would like to share bout my praktikum . Well , in school they used to call it class . But at here they change it to praktikum . Nice and look versatile . I think . :P My praktikum consist only 24 students . They are nice , friendly and really hard-working . Even though there are all from differ states , but I got to know them in a short period . Changing fon no of course :) The boys are quite fun . They like to make 'lawak bodo' . They like to teasing me . Urghh , I dont know why . But Nvm , Its just a joke . They teasing me by call me 'hanna' (real english pronounsiation like 'henna') . At least they make me happy . 

Seriously , first day in college make me reallyyyyyy misss my family especially my mom sooo damn much . Ouhh , I wish I could spent my time with her more before I went to college . Mom ! Love n miss you so muchy laa . Adess . But its okeyy . Just nearby only wat . Can go home once a week . haha . But I wont . Wanna spent my free time by doing revision again and again . Really need to study hard to score 4 flat . Amin ! 

Ouhh , already past my revision time . Need to focus . Okeyy la peeps . Need to go . Wish me luck okeyy :) 

Bubbyee (hj) <3 <3