Meeeeeeee ting :|


Okeyy...second week in college is way more happy than school holiday. Its such a damn thing doing nothing while everyone else is happy . Get real . Life in college is a bit fun . But tired . Yeahh . First week of studies we already at the end of chapter 1 . Fast right ?  Its okeyy lah klu cepat pun dapat tangkap masuk dlm kepala otakk . Janji boleh paham . Whole last week , I got to know my lecturer , tutor , mentor n praktikum mate . Dalam minggu tuu jugak la kena wat tutor , workshop and whatsoever lagi lahh...Really need a robot to do all of those things . Haihh, ampa suma yg still bersekolah tuu enjoy la puas2 masa cuti nohh . Nasihat kak nie . Lepas nie no more time to play around , ber'facebook' and even nak pergi ke ladies pun dah tak sempat . -.-' tuu yg lecturer ckap laa . So, nk berjaya , ak kena ikut juga laa . Okeyy . I have two group meeting tomorrow . Have to go back early . Till then .

Bubbye (hj) <3 <3