About You - # Start #

Hello . Salam .

Okey,,start from now on until 8 of sept.. I will write about my classmate..each of them..I will write about my first impression about them from start until now...I would like to describe bout each of them...but overall they are so superb ! Nice , kind of gilagila , sporting , helpful....Perghh ! penat la ak mcm nie klu nk gtaw suma...haha..They always create a great memories every day n I will never forget that moment .. Wanna know my friends ? Just keep reading my blog until 'About You - # End #' . Dont read if you feel that you dont want to read . No force , momentum ,power or even work okeyy ? Its up to you ..Okey peeps ? Let me introduce to you bout my practicum first ..

                                                                 * H 4 P 2 *

                           Formal picture *dont look for me cause I'm sangt2 huduh..hehe

                                                               H4P2 Crew :)

*click at the picture to view more clear n larger :)

Gonna ready for the next post..

Bubbye (hj) <3 <3