About You - # Zura #

Hye . Salam .

Okeyy..first of all..SERIOUSLY ! Ak peningg gila siapa yg aku nk describe first...nk ikut turutan nma nmpak mcm dh biasa sngt...mesti stat dri hanan...kesian kt hanan...hehe..tkpe la kali nie ak pick rambang je la.. close my eyes n tekan je la mna2 nma pn...nasib yer spa yg jdi mgsa starter ak..tpi yg jelas ak tak kn stat dgn KP kelas ak...dya bdakk gelong. jdi ak nk describe dya last2 nuhh..biaq kt dya..pdan muka ! haha...(kejam2)

Tuudiaa ! Dpt dahh sorang...dya akn jadi starter 'About You - H4P2 edition'..Nama yg diberi ialah Siti Norazura Bt Mohd Noor..err..btul dak ejaan...soryy ya zura klu salah..kmi ingt2 lupa dh laa..hehe..Okeyy,,dya asal terengganu...org ganu...first time bila ckap dgn dya..nk taw dak ap yg terlintas dlm fkiran ak ? 'Eh, tak nmpak mcm org ganu pn..sleng dya tk nmpak mcm org ganu la..biar btul'. Haa...tuu la..ak agak tertanya la dlu2 kn...msa bru2 kenal..tpi skrg ak okey jaa..tak kisah la org mna pn dya berasal..frenz are frenz..:) Dya seorg yg hepy2 tpi kdg2 tuu senyap jugaa...hee~ She just a simple girl n quite rajin..klau nk dibandingkn dgn ak..hehh...jauh beza kot..ak tak rajin cket ..kui3

She's kind of helpful gurl...thats the way I see in her la der...yg laen2 tuu ak tak taw...She's one of my team member in chemist group for amali...she's really help us out a lot...quite good in handling those exp..for sure..dya pndai fzik..mcm mna ak taw ? Sbb dya salah sorang fasi fizik kot..msti la terer...perghh ! Klu ak..huhu..jgn harap nk jdi...:( 

Ituu suma yg kt atass tuu ak describe dri segi sifat...and now ak describe lak dri segi fizikal...dya comel bila tak pkai spek...nmpak mata dya kecik ja..mcm chinese look la pulaa..but dont worry zura..both either wearing it or not you still look cute okeyy dear ;) (ak ikhlas puji taw..bkn maen2). Dari segi ketinggian lak..tak kecik tak tinggi...sederhana..perfect word to describe her height...Wanna know her ? Scroll downward please :)

                                    She's the one that I described for today..-Z.U.R.A-

Yeahh..dah hbis describe sorang...22 more crew for 22 more days..kyaa...

Thats all for today....gtg la...kena buat fzik kuiz..huhu..wait for next post...XD

Bubbye (hj) <3 <3