About You - # Syahirah #

Holla . Salam.

Whoa..today will be my third day describing my friends...still in confused who will I describe for tonight...pluss..dgn broadband ak yg agak gelong hri nie...Thanx Mr. Max Broad for giving me a headache ! :( Anyway..no matter how n what..I will continue doing my things...Alrite ! I already make my decision on who am I going to write about tonight..the person goes to SYAHIRAH ! hahaha...yeayy...Okeyy..lets start..

First time knowing her I think she's a simple , adorable and nice girl :) And it is totally true..haha..when we go outing, first time kluar sma tuu time kitaorg kluar gi mkn roti canai if I'm not mistaken...kan3 ? she appear with a simple style but cute laa..ak jeles dgn ko la wey...huhu...Haa..sebelum ak lupa...dya from Selangor...tuu yg bila ak ckp dgn dya ak pkai ak ko tuu..haha..tukar sat...hey guys, korang nk taw tak..dya nie one of bdak pndai dlm kelas ak..jeless ak tgok dya..pluss..rajin gila lak tuu..klu psai buat report..fuhh ! jgn tnya laa..confirm dya buat n hbis dlu..ak ap lagi..copy n paste je la..soryy ya wey..ak nie malass cket bab2 report nie...kesian kt hg nohh dpt kwn mcm ceq..kui3..but I wish I will be as rajin as her...;) 

Dlm kelas..nk kata dya ckp bnyak tuu tak la jugakk..sometimes laa...tpi luar kelas tuu ad la juga..klu bab2 crita about funny things dya taw semua..ak nie blur ja dgar ap yg diorg crita..hehhe..And one more..dya nie skua tengok movie malam2...crita korea ke melayu ke..dya hentam tgok..tpi bguih laa...keja dya asyik dk siap..ak yg tak tgok nie pn tak siap2 gi keja..hadehh..ak dh jdi kes parah nie..huhu...takpa hanna..Transform ! kik3..Syahirah or sometimes ad yg pnggil dya adibah..hahaha...ak rsa mcm sweet ja org pnggil ko nma tuu la syahirah...haha..I'm always called her syahirah...she is super nice ! She really help me a lot..bout report things, tutor n so on laa..si shi nie ! <3

                                 Tadaa ! Tuu la orgnya..comel kn3 ... S.Y.A.H.I.R.A.H 

Hey peeps...ak ngantukk sudah laa...thats all for today yaa...And tengss syahirah cause allow me to 'pinjam' your photo to put in my blog..hehe...

Bubbye (hj) <3 <3