About You - # Mira #

Hello. Salam.

     For today..err..tonight actually..sebab siang ak ad kelas..jdi ak berblogging malam2..huhu...Nyway, like I said for past two days..I will continue with my assignment that I create on my own..hehe..For this second day..doesn't included that what  i wrote for 'start' day..Okeyy..now I would like to introduce n describe about this person in H4P2...In orientation week, of course la she's not the first girl that I speak to..When we introduced ourselves..still..I can't remember her name...hehe..Yet..that I'm pretty sure her name is like a flower name..at that moment la..skrg nk mati ke klu ak tk ingt nma dya..classmate sendiri kot..her name is such a nice name...Her name is Roseamera..sorry if spell it incorrect..bab2 mngeja nma org nie ak susah nk ingt cket...almaklum la..pnggil nma short2 ja..klu nk sruh eja nma pnjg...ak ngaku siap2 ak mmg tak reti..XD

     Mira...hurmm..a hepy go lucky person...klu bahasa utara org ckp 'hingaq'..haha..ntah betul ke tak..ak pakat hentam jaa..kui3 :3 lets continue...dya pndai bab handle2 makanan n susun atur...hari tuu kitaorg 1 kelas ad wt mcm event la...kitaorg serahkn dkat dya bab2 memotong kek nie...dya mmg pro la klu nk dibandingkn dgn kitaorg...last week on friday..my practicum had a majlis berbuka puasa out of kmpp...at restaurant called Nan's restaurant..quite good..time tuu ad la our mentor brought a big cake..'angry bird' cake..haha...then, teacher asked la sapa yg pndai potong cake...then, as usuall..we all called for 'MIRA !'..haha...

      Besides, dya klu bab2 dress up nie..dya no 1 kot in my class..always appear attractive in class..okeyy la..nmpak cute n nice :) Most of the day she wears shawl..rajin gila..ak dh lama tak pkai..malas plus tak reti nk pkai dah...kesian kt ak..klu ak pkai sure nmpk pelikk n ad someone msti akn gelak gila2 kt ak...ntah la sapa...:P err..ak nk describe ap lgi yaa ? adess...ak dh kehilangan idea sudaa,,I think thats quite enough..pnjang berjela stgi ak tulis..nnti korang tak larat nk baca...hehe

Before I end up my post for tonight..there is a picture of her..take a look.. =)

                                                        My classmate- M.I.R.A

I like this picture..funny but cute ;)

Okeyy guyz...need to proceed on my studies now..gudnite ~.~

Bubbye (hj) <3 <3